Boyscout, FBI agent, obsessive recorder, Dale Cooper is sent to the small town of Twin Peaks to investigate a murder.
The local police force, the witnesses, the magnate’s daughter all point it out: he is ‘not from here’. Against the brown of Washington state, Cooper stands out in his stark black suit-white shirt. He begins with a thin black tie. It is later replaced by stripesline or band more or less wide that marks a fabric More, dots, or a rare paisley: we never learn which club they refer to. Above the tie, the collar is always blue or white, stiff and full – compare with Sheriff Truman and Andy’s brown shirts, pointed, open, and soft. The jacket is simple, with frank shoulders, two buttons, and flap pockets. Mid-rise, the trousers break generously on the city shoes the agent never abandons. Only two particularities: a small Buddhist pin, and a slim black-dial watch with a gold rim.
The incorruptible uniform allows Frost and Lynch some fantasy . The duo play with the character. For the woods, a flannel(English flannel, from Welsh gwlanen, wool) - fabric whipped More shirt, olive whipcordtightly woven woolen fabric with fine vertical parallel ribs More trousers, and a sand-colored down vest [see also: fishing vest]. For One Eyed Jack’s, the bar-cum-brothel hidden by the town’s robber baron, Cooper wears a double-breasted six-by-one tuxedo, and a wing-collared shirt – a college remnant.
In 2017, Lynch stages the character’s return. Twenty-five years later, the old boy is an old man. He returns in two. In Las Vegas, ‘Dougie’, green-suited and clumsy , a gold club tiestriped tie that used to show membership in a group More on rather than around his neck. In the Black Lodge,‘Mr C’: long hair, cropped A2, python-patterned shirt.
Only in the last episodes does Kyle McLachlan don the black suit again. More than any declaration of personality , it is the uniform that marks his identity: ‘Coop is back’.

McLACHLAN, Kyle, act. 1991.

McLACHLAN, Kyle, act.

McLACHLAN, Kyle, act. ‘Cooper’ The Return, dir. LYNCH, David. 2017.

McLACHLAN, Kyle, act. ‘Dougie’. The Return, dir. LYNCH, David. 2017.

McLACHLAN, Kyle, act. 1990.

McLACHLAN, Kyle, act. ONTCHEAN, Michael, act. 1990.

McLACHLAN, Kyle, act. Promotional photograph, 1990.

McLACHLAN, Kyle, act. The Return, dir.LYNCH, David. 2017.

McLACHLAN, Kyle, act. Twin Peaks, dir. LYNCH, David. 1990.
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