Paul Weller was a key cultural figure in the second half of the twentieth century. Paul Weller’s 50 years of activity have made him a musical and stylistic icon.

Youth between skinhead and mod aesthetics

During his youth, he crossed mod and skinhead styles: fitted 3-button suits, Fred Perry or Ben Shermann polos, buttoned to the top, skinny ties and turned-up levis. In 1972, his first band, The Jam, continued this influence: from loafers to three-button suits called “mod” suits, everything is there.

Maturity and stylistic eclecticism

In the 1980s, Weller dissolved The Jam to create The Style Council. The band is characterized by an alloy of soul, jazz, piano, musical schiming and parodied cocktail music. Musical mix and stylistic mix. Indeed, classic English-style elements such as tweed or gabardine raincoat are mixed with Levi five-pockets, white socks and loafers, even ankle boots and thin sunglasses.

Paul Weller’s style is thus characterized by the meeting of dissonant elements that create the accident.


WELLER, Paul. London, United-Kingdom. 1980. 


WELLER. Paul. London, United-Kingdom. 1971.

Paul Weller Londres 1973 face

WELLER, Paul. London, United-Kingdom. 1973. 


WELLER, Paul. London, United-Kingdom. 1982. 

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